Last Updated: 3/26/21 | March 26th, 2021
Getting sick is a part of everyday life, and being on the road doesn’t exempt you from that fact — especially because travel exposes you to a whole new range of bugs, parasites, and foreign environments.
In short, the longer you spend on the road the a lot more likely it is you will get sick.
Fortunately, there are lots of things you can do to minimize risk and keep yourself as healthy as possible while you travel.
Here are 11 basic ideas you can use to make sure you stay safe and healthy on the road:
1. get travel Insurance
I never leave home without travel insurance. It supplies peace of mind while ensuring that, if something goes wrong, I won’t be on the hook for it.
Over the years, I’ve popped my eardrum, needed emergency doctor appointments, and even got knifed.
You don’t want to have to deal with these situations alone — and you absolutely don’t want to have to pay for them out of pocket.
I always get travel insurance before I leave home. Du musst auch.
2. wash Your Hands (And wear a Mask)
If there is anything COVID taught us it’s that washing your hands is way a lot more crucial than people thought. half of all food-borne illnesses are due to unwashed hands and upwards of 15% of men don’t even wash their hands after using the bathroom. Gross, right?!
I know this sounds basic, but the basic act of washing your hands is one of the absolute best ways to keep yourself complimentary from illnesses such as diarrhea, food poisoning, the flu, hepatitis A, and COVID-19.
While soap and water (for twenty seconds) is always the best option, hand sanitizer will work in a pinch too.
And, if you’re not feeling well, be sure to wear a mask when out in public. This practice has been common in Asia for years and helps to keep things like the flu from spreading. COVID-19 made it a global thing and, while it is incredibly helpful in stopping the spread COVID, it’s also even helpful for other viruses. So wear a mask if you’re feeling sick or traveling during cold/flu season.
After all, you’ve seen how people behave on planes and public transportation! people are a bit gross. basic hygiene on your part will keep you healthy!
3. drink Bottled Water
In lots of parts of the world, tap water is not suitable for consumption. While the locals might be able to drink it without issue, you shouldn’t try.
While bottled water is a good fall back, it’s exceptionally wasteful. I suggest you bring a filter such as Lifestraw or SteriPen. Both of these will make sure that 99.9% of bacteria and parasites are removed from your water.
4. be mindful of Food Contamination
Nobody wants diarrhea or gastrointestinal problems on their trip. To avoid common contaminants such as E. coli, Salmonella, Giardia, and other nasties, always make sure the food you’re eating is fresh, hot, and appropriately cooked.
As a general rule, stick to places that are full of locals. If the locals keep eating there, chances are the food is safe.
When in doubt, keep an eye out for signs of good hygiene practice, such as glove-wearing, a separate person managing the money, and regular handwashing.
You may want to avoid the following:
Salads that may have been prepared in local untreated water
Raw fruit and vegetables that you haven’t peeled or skinned yourself (if you have, they are normally fine)
Food that has been left out for extended periods
You probably aren’t going to avoid a bit of stomach upset completely on your travels — especially if you are traveling long term — but if you are aware of good food hygiene practices and follow them as much as possible then you can at the very least lessen the risk of becoming ill.
5. Don’t Be terrified of having familiar Food
as a foodie, eating local food and delving into the local cuisine is one of my favorite things about traveling. It’s something you must never miss out on. That said, a degree of common sense is needed too.
Jumping straight into a diet of spicy curries or predominantly red meat is a good way to make sure some form of gastrointestinal upset if your stomach isn’t used to it.
Food intolerances happen when your gut can’t appropriately digest the food you’ve eaten, which can irritate the digestive tract and cause stomach pain, cramps, gas, diarrhea, vomiting, and heartburn.
Don’t worry — this normally isn’t severe and will pass relatively quickly. The trick to trying new foods and new cuisine is to mix it up a little bit.
If you have a sensitive stomach, take it easy at first, and don’t be terrified of eating familiar food from time to time.
6. stay Active
One of the best ways to stay fit and healthy and fight off unwanted infections is exercise. The benefits of exercise are well known and well documented: it improves your overall health and well-being and strengthens your immune system, which makes you less prone to illness.
And if you do get sick, your body is better able to fight off the infection and a lot more swiftly get you back on your feet. It isn’t foolproof, of course, because fit people still get sick, but in general the fitter you are, the better your body will be at shrugging off that annoying bug or illness.
If you aren’t active or fit before you start traveling, use it as an excuse to start! go on a jungle trek, go hiking into the countryside or up a mountain, swim in the sea, choose a jog — whatever tickles your fancy as long as it gets you a little out of breath.
Here are some ways to exercise when you travel!
7. secure yourself against the Sun
Sunburn can seriously spoil a good travel experience! I got sunburned years ago in Thailand after snorkeling for too long and forgetting to reapply sunscreen. It is not an experience I want to repeat!
Current recommendations on sun protection say you must use a minimum of aspect 15, though I recommend at least SPF 30.
Protecting yourself from the sun goes beyond getting bad sunburn though. You must also stay well hydrated if you are traveling in a country or region with a hot or tropical climate, as well as conceal with loose clothing and even a hat or scarf.
If you don’t, then dehydration can set in very quickly, and that can cause a lot more severe conditions such as exposure, heat exhaustion, and heatstroke, which if left unattended can become a medical emergency.
It happens a lot a lot more easily than lots of people think so be sensible, use sunscreen, cover up, and stay hydrated.
8. stay Vaccinated
Not all vaccinations are required for every individual for every trip, and a lot depends on what vaccinations you have already, what country or region you are visiting, and individual factors, such as your personal medical history, how long you will be traveling, and what you will be doing.
This is why it is essential that you get one-on-one personal recommendations from your local travel clinic, nurse specialist, or physician before you travel.
To give you a basic understanding of the types of vaccinations you will need, however, they are often broken up into three distinct categories:
Routine vaccinations – These are what a lot of people get throughout their childhood/early adult life. These normally include diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTP); hepatitis B; hepatitis A (for at-risk groups); measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR); and HPV (to stop cervical precancers and cancers). It is crucial that you are fully up to date with all of your routine vaccinations, including boosters, if you plan to travel.
Recommended vaccinations – These include all the vaccines that aren’t included in the routine schedule of your own country and are certain to travel to any given destination. These can include vaccinations rabies, Japanese encephalitis, cholera, typhus, and others.
Required vaccinations – These refer to vaccinations for yellow fever, meningococcal disease, and polio. lots of countries where yellow fever is present will require you to have proof of vaccination before you are allowed in and, if you are heading anywhere else after traveling to a country where these diseases are present, you will need to show proof of vaccination — known as an international certificate of vaccination or prophylaxis (ICVP) (i.e. a little yellow book) — before entry.
9. enjoy for Mosquitoes!
Mosquito bites are an absolute nightmare for any traveler. At best, they will simply annoy you. At worst, they can transmit a whole variety of diseases like yellow fever, dengue, Japanese encephalitis, and malaria.
Mosquitoes are a problem in lots of parts of the world, but the Centers for disease control and Prevention (CDC) and the world health organization sites are exceptional places to find out where there are outbreaks of diseases such as dengue or malaria.
Even if you are in a low- to no-risk area, it is still a good idea to stop mosquitoes from biting you. here are some ways to secure yourself:
Air-conditioned rooms are great for lessening mosquito bites, as they are often better sealed and less likely to let them in.
Zudecken. wearing the ideal clothing is essential. wear light, loose cotton clothing that covers a lot of of your skin, especially around height exposure times and places, for example, near bodies of water or at twilight or after dark, the height time for malaria-carrying mosquitoes to feed.
Sleep under permethrin-coated nets where necessary.
Use anti-mosquito coils and plug-in devices where appropriate.
Always apply a good dose of 30–50% DEET spray and reapply it regularly.
It is crucial to remember that none of these methods is completely foolproof. You can do everything ideal and still get bitten. but at least this stuff reduces your risk!
10. Take Antimalarials if Necessary
Antimalarials are needed when you visit certain areas of the world where you’ll be at a high risk of contracting malaria. If you are checking out an area that is a low to no risk, howeveR, dann sind Antimalarials wahrscheinlich nicht notwendig.
Nun zu wissen, wann sie benötigt werden und wann nicht, ist eine andere Sache, und viele verschiedene Aspekte müssen berücksichtigt werden. Diese Aspekte enthalten die folgenden:
Das Risiko in Ihrem Ziel.
Die Jahreszeit, in der Sie reisen.
Ob es aktuelle Ausbrüche gibt.
Wie lange bleiben Sie.
Was du tun wirst.
Frühere Erfahrungen mit Antimalarials.
Sprechen Sie mit Ihrem Arzt oder einer Reiseschwester, um viel mehr darüber zu erfahren, ob Antimalarials ideal für Sie und Ihre Reise sind oder nicht. Wie bei allen Medikamenten haben sie Nebenwirkungen, sodass Sie diese auch in Ihrer Entscheidung abwägen müssen.
11. Vereinbaren Sie einen Termin mit einem Reisefachmannsfachmann
Es ist entscheidend, dass Sie Ihre Pläne mit einem medizinischen Fachmann lange vor dem Aufstieg in die Welt durchgehen. Lassen Sie es auch nicht in letzter Minute, da möglicherweise nicht möglich ist, dass Last-Minute-Impfungen und Medikamente nicht möglich sind.
Versuchen Sie im Allgemeinen, Ihren Termin 6-8 Wochen vor Ihrer Reise zu buchen. Das gibt Ihnen genügend Zeit, um herauszufinden, was Sie brauchen, Ihre Recherchen durchführen und Aufnahmen oder Medikamente erhalten, die Sie benötigen.
Diese grundlegenden Schritte minimieren das Risiko, im Ausland zu krank, dramatisch. Nehmen Sie sich einen Moment Zeit, um über Ihre Gesundheit nachzudenken und entsprechend vorzubereiten. Auf diese Weise können Sie sich mit Seelenfrieden Freude an Ihrer Reise freuen.
Denken Sie daran, dass dies nur allgemeine Gesundheitsideen sind; Sie sind kein Ersatz für eine Beratung mit Ihrer Reisekrankenschwester oder Ihrem Arzt. Sprechen Sie im Zweifelsfall mit einem Fachmann. Es ist immer besser, in Sicherheit zu sein als leid!
Haftungsausschluss: Ich bin kein Arzt. Dies sind nur meine nicht medizinischen Empfehlungen, wie ich Technik auf der Straße hilft. Suchen Sie vor dem Reisen medizinische Empfehlungen, was zu tun ist, insbesondere in Bezug auf Impfstoffe und Medikamente. Dieser Beitrag bildet keine professionelle medizinische Beratung!
Wie man mit 50 Dollar pro Tag um die Welt reist
Mein Bestseller-Taschenbuch zur New York Times zu World Travel zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie die Kunst des Reisens beherrschen, sodass Sie vom ausgetretenen Weg absteigen, Geld sparen und ein tieferes Reiseerlebnis haben. Es ist Ihr Planungsleitfaden für A bis Z, den die BBC als “Bibel für Budgetreisende” bezeichnete.
Klicken Sie hier, um viel mehr zu lernen und heute zu lesen!
Buchen Sie Ihre Reise: Logistische Ideen und Tricks
Buchen Sie Ihren Flug
Finden Sie einen billigen Flug mit Skyscanner. Es ist meine Lieblings -Suchmaschine, da sie Websites und Fluggesellschaften auf der ganzen Welt durchsucht, sodass Sie immer wissen, dass kein Stein unversucht bleibt.
Buchen Sie Ihre Unterkunft
Sie können Ihr Hostel mit Hostelworld buchen. Wenn Sie an einem anderen Ort als einem Hostel bleiben möchten, verwenden Sie, da sie konsequent die kostengünstigsten Preise für Gästehäuser und Hotels zurückgeben.
Vergessen Sie nicht die Reiseversicherung
Die Reiseversicherung wird Sie gegen Krankheit, Verletzung, Diebstahl und Stornierungen sichern. Es ist ein detaillierter Schutz für den Fall, dass etwas schief geht. Ich mache nie auf eine Reise ohne sie, da ich es in der Vergangenheit oft benutzen musste. Meine Lieblingsunternehmen, die den besten Service und Wert bieten, sind:
Sicherheitswing (am besten für alle)
Versichern Sie meine Reise (für über 70)
MedJet (für zusätzliche Evakuierungsabdeckung)
Bereit, Ihre Reise zu buchen?
Schauen Sie sich meine Ressourcenseite an, damit die besten Unternehmen auf Reisen verwendet werden können. Ich liste alle auf, die ich benutze, wenn ich reise. Sie sind die besten im Unterricht und Sie können sie auf Ihrer Reise nicht falsch machen.